What Is a Good Bounce Rate? The equation also lacks this critical exit click. Before closing the tab (or browser), have you ever spent a few minutes reading a page? If so, since it skipped the crucial exit click during that specific session, Google Analytics could not reliably calculate the time on
10 Trending Features of AngularJS
AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework where not only developers, but designers also have some very convincing features! We will discuss what I considered to be the most vital features in this blog post, and how they can help make the next web application amazing. AngularJS have simple
New features of bootstrap 5 comparatively bootstrap 4
Bootstrap is the most common open-source CSS platform for the rapid development of modern, responsive and interactive websites and applications since its release in 2011. The new stable version of the application is 4.5.2, and the Bootstrap team is all set to launch Bootstrap 5, the latest updated
Progressive web apps VS native apps
Progressive web apps (PWAs) are ready to overthrow their native apps from their throne, shortly successors, from the strongest pyramid for mobile app growth strategies. In other words, your younger and better-looking sibling is taking over via native apps. That said, if your company has already
Top 10 benefits of using the Laravel platform
Online frameworks have become more complex with the advent of technology, providing high-performing websites according to your business needs. In this respect, PHP is not an exception. The group is making so many attempts to make the platform readily available to developers and companies. One of
5 Reasons why you should think about page experience even more in 2021
Google officially announced that it would take effect in May 2021 with a new ranking algorithm called Page Experience. However they have agreed to offer a six-month notice before pushing out the latest update because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new ranking algorithm would rate a web page based
Effective use of Artificial Intelligence for Web, App developments & SEO
Artificial Intelligence may be defined as a capability to think, make decisions, and decide the best options available. It adds to the functionality to identify, recognize, to show emotions, and also convey messages and information like a human being. Briefly, Artificial Intelligence is a machine's
Best practices of web design and development company
Best practices of MobiWeb Creations - A web design and development company Being versatile in its services is the need of the hour for a web design and development, mobile app development, digital marketing services company. Stiff competition and advanced web technologies have ushered this